Life In Paradise

Keeping In Touch - Catching Up - Sharing Some Moments - Having Some Laughs....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Cabo Family

Living here in Paradise has given us the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful people. The problem is we're a toursit area and a lot of the wonderful friends we've met here are in the hotel industry and that means as they progress in their careers they often move to other countries and we say our sad good-byes.

The good thing is we never lose touch. The friendships formed while living in a foregin country away from family and childhood friends are made strongeer as we nagvigate our way together from feelings of isolation to feelings of belonging. We become a family.

These two photos are some of our Cabo family who returned for a a quick visit last month. Rainee and Cheri - a great Mother - Daughter team. The other photo has Jordan and Julian in it. Even living far from each other Julian thinks of Jordan as one of his best friends. It's great to learn that even though they were six years old the last time they saw each other, they just picked up like it was yesterday. It's a shock for Rainee and I to see how fast our kids are growing. Unfortunately I missed getting Randy in a photo. They're just going to have to send me one or better still visit again! You're reading this Rainee - Right!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Astrology and Such

We have Uncle Bill weighing in with his and Aunt Lois' piece of Paradise in Fletcher, North Carolina. We loved seeing Fran, Lois and Ginger happyily enjoying the greenery and waterfalls. Mom / Fran is still talking about that trip.

I was introduced to a fun astrology web-site that I want to share. I'm not very much into astrology but this one is so off the wall and entertaining that I signed up for his weekly email update. Rob Brezney who writes it, is an eternal optomist. He's just finished a book - Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings. (for book review)

For you Libras out there, here's what he has to say about you for this week:

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):
Columnist L.M. Boyd told the story of Mark Gubin, a photographer whose business was located near Milwaukee's airport. A lover of pranks, Gubin decorated his roof with a giant sign that read "Welcome to Cleveland." Countless passengers arriving in Milwaukee by plane were amused and confused by the greeting. I suspect that a similar event will occur in your life this week, Libra. As you arrive at your new destination, you'll get signals that lead you to believe you're not where you thought you were. Ignore the misdirection.

If you want to get a weekly dose of positive reinforcement here's his web-site:

Hope you all are having a great week! Love J-J-C

Friday, October 07, 2005

Other Pieces of Paradise

Here in Cabo it's is a pretty special place, clean air, amazing sunsets, whales in our back yard and yeah now and then a hurricane. No place is perfect. This photo is from Helen and Sheldon's back yard in upper state New York. Another piece of paradise. If any of you have a photo of your piece of paradise please send it along to me. I'd love to share with all our friends and family the lovely spots eveyone connected on this blog is so lucky to live in.

It's almost the weekened again !! Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian family and friends. Wish we could be there to spend it with you. Hugs and Kisses J-J-C

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Then and now Jungle Cactus

What a vision Johnny had. In four short years Jungle Cactus Cabo has gone from small seeds to big plants. We're on the map!!!
Today the casita is being painted bright orange. She was getting lost amongst the lush greenery. New looks are good, change is good.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Birthday Boy

We had planned on going to Rancho Leonero on Friday for the weekend to celebrate Johnny's birthday with some beach time. There were visions of kayaking and lazing around reading books while Julian, Lucas and Costa swam to exhaustion in the ocean. Hurricane Otis had other plans and even though he didn't land ontop of us we had enough rain and wind to stop us from going.

Plan B - The boys decorated the kitchen while unsuspecting Johnny had a nap. (He is a year older and needs the odd nap) They went around the neighbourhood picking flowers. They snuck over one wall and found a red rose in bloom. The laid out the table with candles and a cold cerveza topped with a lime. Johnny was totally and happily surprised. Julian painted a beautiful desert sunset scene for Johnny to hang at the nursery. That was Friday night.

Saturday the actual day of his birthday I took him to a restaurant I've been wanting to go to for a long time - C's at the One and Only Palmilla. It's true the food is great the atmosphere trendy and the prices the highest in Los Cabos. Because it was a birthday treat, Johnny had to refrain from commenting about being ripped off with the prices. From there we went to the Tropicana and danced til the early morning. I have to say, Johnny's birthday turned out to be one of the best ones I've had in a long time. I'm happy he enjoyed it too!